The Vampire's Daughter

A story about a young girl named Susan who is taken in by Sabastian, the vampire that killed her mother. New readers should start with Book One.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

0360: The Vampire's Daughter Book IV

The minutes flowed by at a glacial pace, as Sabastian stood looking at Night. She continued plead her case to what appeared to be a completely unmoved statue of a man.

“We must get inside,” Vein said, taking hold of Sabastian's shoulder. He tried to move him, but found he couldn't. He was shocked at how hard his companion's body was. It was like he was gripping a statue, an unmovable statue.

Sabastian stepped out toward Night, who was in the middle of the second, inner most courtyard. Standing a yard from her, he tilted his head as he looked on her. He opened his mouth.

At first there were was a cacophony of voices yelling, screaming, talking. Different languages, dialects, genders and ages were all speaking at once. It wasn't loud, but it hurt the ears.

Vein and Francis covered their ears and the pain they felt was visible in their faces. Night just looked at him in awe, as though he were an oracle speaking the future.

Slowly, however, the noise began to subside as voices dropped out. There was one voice that became clearer and clearer as the minutes ticked away.

Vein could see the anticipation in Night's face. There was almost a joy in her eyes as she leaned in ever so slightly toward the voice that came from Sabastian.

Then, suddenly, one voice rang out clearly. “Save your soul while you still can,” it said.

“Mother?” Night asked.

Vein and Francis watched, in shock. Neither had seen anything like this before in their lives.

“Little Bee,” the voice continued, “see what is before you. Repent for what you are and save your soul. He is not here to redeem you, you must do that yourself.”

“Mommy,” Night cried, falling to her knees. “I don't know how.” She was looking at the ground.

“I love you my daughter. My death can never be avenged, it is too late. I will be set free in time. But you will never be free if you do not free yourself. He is not here to save you. He is here to condemn you. You must save your soul while you still can.”

The sun began to creep over a nearby building, with the first rays still well above the courtyard. The sight, however, was enough to draw Vein from his stupor. “I'm not sure what to call this little reunion, but it must end or we'll all die without repenting our sins. And I, for one, don't wish that to happen,” he said, stepping into the doorway as the sun crept down the walls of the next building.

“How do I save my soul?” Night asked in a whimper.

“You know how,” the voice coming from Sabastian's mouth said.

She looked up at Sabastian, bloody tears in her eyes, and stood. She walked over to Sabastian and kissed him on the cheek.

Sabastian took her head in his hands and kissed her forehead.

“I love you,” Night said.

“I love you, too,” Sabastian said in a mixture of the woman's voice and his own.

Night stepped back, looked at the sun beam traveling down the wall to her side. She turned, looked at the sun coming over the building across from her and opened her arms wide.

“Oh my God,” Vein said, as he realized she fully intended self immolation. “You must get inside,” he yelled at Sabastian, who was just standing and watching her. Sabastian ignored him.

As the sun crept down it hit Sabastian first. Vein closed his eyes and shook his head. This wasn't the end he expected. It wasn't the end that made sense. How could everything Vein had risked his life for stop in this way?

His anger flowed up in him like vomit. He couldn't contain it, he had to give voice to it before it choked him to death. He screamed, “No!”

[The Vampire’s Daughter: An ongoing vampire story. Copyright Reuben Gregg Brewer, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. All rights reserved.]

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