Chapters 0218-230
The Vampire's Daughter
Book Three
Chapters 0218 t0 230
"Sol, darling, it's so nice to see you again."
"Hello Jamie. How are you?" Sol asked.
"I imagine I'm doing better than you."
"Perhaps," said Sol. "May I come in?"
"You don't need to ask, in fact I was wondering why you were still standing outside," Jamie said, moving aside and putting an arm around Sol as he entered.
"I must say, Sol, your calling card was quite a treat. I hadn't expected you to send such a handsome gift. I would have taken you in without it, you know," Jamie said.
"Gift? You didn't..." Sol protested.
"Didn't what?"
"He was a messenger, I didn't want to show up unannounced. He wasn't intended to be your latest toy."
"Oh," Jamie said, "I just assumed he was a peace offering. You know, to make up for our little falling out."
"If I recall," Sol said, sitting in a leather chair in the living room of Jamie's country house, "I have nothing to apologize for."
"Hrmp, that's not how I remember it."
"I didn't imagine it was. I'm glad you kept my chair, though. It still fits like a glove."
"You deny who you are for your sire, that whore Elizabeth. And you say you have nothing to be sorry for? If you like the way the chair feels, I assure there are other things here that would fit just as nicely. Though, due to lack of use, they might be a bit snug at first."
"You never let up. We haven't seen each other in decades and you jump right back into the fight," Sol said with a laugh. "Now, honestly, did you kill the messenger?"
"No, I did not kill the messenger. I nibbled a little, but I didn't kill him."
"Well, at least that’s something. You have let him go, haven't you?" Sol asked.
"Well, not just yet. But I was going to tonight, honest."
"I do not deny myself for her, you know."
"That's such crap, but, if what I've heard is true, our little difference on this topic is far from the most important thing on your mind."
"No, it isn't, but it was a pleasant distraction while it lasted," Sol said, leaning forward and putting his head in his hands.
Jamie walked over and sat in Sol's lap, forcing Sol to lean back. "It's OK, baby, you're safe here. Do you want to fight some more before we talk about the mess you've gotten yourself in?"
Awkwardly, Sol put a hand on Jamie's leg. "No, it's best you know what's going on and the danger I've put you in by coming here."
"News travels fast, Honey. I already know a great deal of the story."
"Just the same, let me tell you my version. From the beginning."
"From the beginning, then," Jamie said, smiling.
"After we last parted," Sol began, "Elizabeth and I went to the New World to meet her Sire, Thomas. I had always had a good relationship with him, though his relationship with Elizabeth was always strained. I didn’t know, and still don’t know why.
"He wooed both of us, explaining to Elizabeth that he needed her to take over leadership of our clan because he had grown weary of life. She was hesitant, but agreed. She felt, and I believe still feels, that she owed him for some past kindness.
"Taking over our clan also put her at the head of the Tribunal, the governing body of the Northeastern United States and parts of Canada. The true locus of power was New York City, with the surrounding areas controlled by tribute. I was placed in a high ranking position within what amounted to a secret police force."
"That seems an odd role for you," Jamie said, still sitting in Sol's lap.
"It was, but it also allowed me to create many important friendships within the hierarchy of the Tribunal. These relationships helped to keep the peace in often-violent situations. Elizabeth was the main cohesive force, however, I did my part to keep things moving."
"Elizabeth was a cohesive force?" Jamie laughed.
"Yes, she responded wonderfully to the power Thomas gave to her. In fact, the region hadn't known such prosperity before Elizabeth came. There were groups that wanted her out, so that they could take control, but she kept them in check.
"Then the body of a young woman was found drained of her blood. It was a vampire. We set out to find this vampire only to discover that it was my Sire's estranged child, Sabastian."
"The Sabastian, of course," Jamie injected.
"Yes, the Sabastian. It also appeared that he had taken his victim's child. Elizabeth was loath to kill Sabastian, fearing both his storied power and because she loves him deeply.
"This dynamic set in motion a series of events that led to the Smithson clan plotting to overthrow Elizabeth and take control of the Tribunal by force. To prove themselves capable, they captured the child, Susan, and several humans that were protecting her.
"Thomas intervened, telling Sabastian where to find the girl. I took him to the clan house where he rescued her. Thomas, however, was close behind. In the end he had orchestrated the whole affair in an attempt to grab sole control of the New World. He intended to make himself a king.
"He had the Enforcers slaughter those clans that supported the Smithsons. It was horrific to watch. Sabastian, the girl, Mary, the sole remnant of the Smithson coven, a human called Claudia and I were allowed to leave unfettered. Even Thomas fears Sabastian."
"It seems few of our kind like cannibals," Jamie suggested.
"He isn't like that. I know. If all he wanted was blood, I would not be here today. Anyway, we set up a coven in a northern suburb of New York City."
"Quickly, however, things started to unravel," Sol said, pausing briefly. "Thomas was having trouble gaining control of the city, Elizabeth and he had a falling out, and John Paul was reawakened."
"John Paul? Your John Paul?" Jamie asked.
"Oh my," Jamie said, getting up and sitting on a couch across from Sol.
"Yes. I went to see him and he told me some... unusual things."
"Like what? Are we all going to die?" Jamie laughed.
"No. He said that I am to usher in the redeemer who will, in turn, bring upon us the end of times."
"And you believed him?"
"No, not at first. But then things spiraled. I... I think I saw Susan, Sabastian's little girl, talking to Judas Isacariot."
"Excuse me?" Jamie said.
"You heard me correctly. Out of fear I ran to John Paul for help. He gave me this list of names and a letter to give the first I find from the list. Then his own child, Paul, killed him with the blessing of the Zionist leadership.
"JP told me to run, so I did. The last thing I heard was Paul calling a blood hunt, with me as the target."
"So you came here?" Jamie asked.
"Yes, I knew you would take me in and I knew I would be safe," Sol answered.
"Is that all you know?"
"Yes, is there more?"
"Paul has gone missing and it is assumed that you killed him."
"Although, after what he's done, I'm quite glad to hear he might be dead, I am not the one who killed him," Sol said.
"Regardless, it has been assumed that you did. I don't know if you were aware of his influence, but he has, or had, many highly placed friends in other clans. In short, the blood hunt has spread. You are a wanted man, and not just by me," Jamie said with a smile.
"This is not good," Sol said, leaning forward and putting his head in his hands.
"Will your friend Sabastian help you?"
"I don't know. I'll call my lawyers and have them go to the house... The messenger, where is he?"
"Oh," Jamie said, "I was hoping you had forgotten about the boy."
"I'm sure. Bring me to him."
"I told you I would let him go," Jamie protested.
"Bring me to him."
"Here," Jamie said opening a door. Sol stepped into the dark room and turned on the light. The room was completely tiled with a drain in the middle. Hiding behind a steel table was a completely naked young man.
"He's a child," Sol said, with a stern look at the boy's captor.
"I already told you. I thought he was a gift."
"This is the reason I left, you know that, right?"
"Yes. The fact that you always deny what you are," Jamie shot back. "I'll leave you two alone."
Sol turned back to the boy, who was watching, still cowered behind the surgical table. Sol closed the door and leaned against the wall. He slid down to a squatting position.
"Do you know who I am?" he asked the boy.
The boy said nothing.
"My name is Sol. I assume you work for my lawyers."
"Sun Partners," the boy said.
"No one has ever met you."
"That's not true. Those that have wouldn't tell you, and if they did, they wouldn't live long after the told you."
"Are you going to kill me?"
"That depends."
"I won't tell anyone, God I won't tell anyone," the boy said.
"How old are you?"
"Nineteen sir."
"What's your name?"
"Francis McGinn."
"McGinn? The name is familiar, but I can't place it. How are you related to the family?"
"I'm the son of Abigale Johnson."
"Oh yes, she was married off to an Irishman about 20 years ago. McGinn. What a wonderful affair. Your grandfather made sure I was invited."
Francis said nothing.
"I guess your grandfather wanted to bring you into the business."
"Against my mother's wishes, yes."
"Are in school?"
"No sir. Grandfather wanted me to work at a different level. He said I should learn from the ground up. When I was sixteen I started in the mail room. This was my fourth job a a courier."
"Well, Francis, you have learned a great deal in the last day or so. Come out."
Francis stood up and stepped out from behind the table. Sol looked him over. He was a lanky boy with reddish-brown hair. "Uncover yourself," Sol said.
The boy took his hands from his genitals, fully exposing himself to Sol. His ankles and wrists were bruised and cut up. His body had various bite marks and his privates was badly bruised with pierce marks up and down the shaft.
Sol looked to the floor. "I'm sorry. I didn't intend for this to happen."
"Wait here, I'll get your clothing," Sol said, leaving the room to find Jamie, who had returned to the living room.
"What did you do to him?" Sol asked his friend.
"Nothing really," Jamie answered, with a sarcastic twist of his head. "Just a nibble here and bite there."
"He’s just a boy."
"You obviously didn't look closely enough," Jamie said, holding the index finger of one hand about seven or eight inches from the index finger of the other hand. "He is definitely more than a boy."
Sol looked at Jamie and sighed, "What I love about you is the same thing that I hate."
"Oh, don't get high and mighty with me, Mr. You won't give yourself the freedom to be true to yourself. You hate that I am honest and open, and you're so tight assed that you shit diamonds."
Sol closed his eyes, thinking that it was a mistake to see Jamie, though he knew he didn't have any other options. "I'm sorry," he said after a few moments of silence. "I don't want to fight with you."
"I don't want to fight either," Jamie said, standing and nuzzling up to Sol. Sol put his arm around Jamie and they simply held each other. It was a relaxing moment for Sol, a healing moment. On some level he knew Jamie was correct, but on another he knew that his self restraint was what made him better than his friend. He also knew that they would, eventually, part ways because of this divide again. But for the moment Sol needed Jamie and both knew it. And as much as their differences separated them, their love could bridge the gap until the crises was over.
"Where is the boy's clothing?" Sol asked, breaking the moment.
"I'll get them for you," Jamie said, detaching from Sol's body.
Sol closed his eyes and remembered the first time he had met Jamie. It was a human bar filled with artists. Jamie was drawn to artists, as was Sol, a former artist himself. Perhaps that's what drew them together. Being the only two vampires in such a bar would normally resulted in a confrontation over hunting grounds, but instead the pair spent the night talking. That night sparked a relationship that had lasted longer than any other than the one Sol had with his Sire, Elizabeth.
Sol opened his eyes to a hand on his shoulder. "Here you are, dear," Jamie said, handing over a pile of clothing. "What were you just thinking about?"
"The first time we met," Sol answered.
"We spent the entire night talking," Jamie said, leaning over and kissing Sol on the cheek. "It was a very special night in my life. I've never met anyone as special as you.
"I hate that we fight," Jamie continued after a pause. "And I know that now isn't the time for fighting. Let's just be happy that we are together again and get you through this mess you've gotten in to."
"As usual," Sol responded, putting his hand on Jamie's cheek, "you say the things I won't." He leaned in for a kiss.
Opening the door to Jamie's little torture chamber, Sol found Francis sitting on the surgical steel table, with his hands covering his groin. "Here," he said, tossing the boy's clothing to him. As the boy caught the bundle, Sol noted that Jamie was right about Francis' manhood and shook his head to admonish himself for looking.
"Get dressed and we'll talk some more about what happens next."
"Yes sir," Francis answered.
"I'll be in the living room waiting. It's down the hall on the right. The door will be unlocked."
"Yes sir," the boy said and paused as if he wanted to ask something but was too afraid.
Noting the look on Francis' face, Sol said, "I'll make sure Jamie isn't around," then left the room.
Sol asked Jamie to leave Frances and he alone for a little while so that Sol was alone when the boy came into the living room. He looked around tentatively, causing Sol to say, "Jamie is not here."
"Thank you sir," Francis responded, walking over and standing in front of Sol.
"Sit," Sol said, pointing to a chair across from him. "We need to talk."
"Yes sir."
After his guest had seated himself as directed, Sol said, "When I told you that none would ever admit to meeting me because I would kill them, you said you wouldn't tell anyone of our acquaintance."
"Yes sir."
"Can you truly live by that?"
"I won't tell anyone about meeting you sir, you have my word."
"Nor about what happened to you here."
"Never sir. I'll never tell anyone."
"You realize that breaking this promise will result in your death?" Sol asked.
Francis looked at Sol for a moment and then, quietly, said, "Yes."
"Good. Then we have an understanding. Your loyalty won't go unrewarded. Come, help me get my things from my car," Sol said, standing and walking to the door. The boy followed him.
Sol opened the door and stepped on to the landing of the stone stairwell that led to the driveway. Slowly he walked to the car and opened the driver's side. He reached in and took out a small duffel bag and handed it to Francis. As Sol stood up, he noted with a smile that the boy was in awe of the car. "Do you like the car?" he asked.
"Sir, it's an Aston Martin."
"Yes. Yes it is. Do you like it."
"Oh my, yes sir."
Sol tossed Francis the keys.
"You're going to let me drive it sir?"
"No, I'm giving it to you."
"If you are loyal to me... truly loyal... This will only be the beginning of what you can expect from my gratitude."
"My God sir."
"Don't use the Lord's name in vane," Sol said with a smirk.
"I'm sorry sir, I only meant..."
"I know what you meant. Now go back to the office and see your grandfather. Do not speak of what happened here. I'll call him and tell him to transfer the car to you. The office will, of course, pick up any costs associated with the maintenance of the vehicle, in addition to fuel and insurance costs."
"Sir. Thank you."
"Francis, from here on out your assignments will be vastly different."
"No problem sir."
"Just remember our agreement."
"I will sir."
"Not even your grandfather."
"I won't discuss it with him, but, if I may ask, you said he met you sir?"
"Why can't I talk to him about meeting you?"
"Because I would have to kill you both if you did," Sol said, taking his bag from the boy and walking back to the house. "Have a safe trip."
After hearing the car pull away from the house, Sol took out his cell phone and called his lawyer.
"You sent your grandson?" he asked.
"Yes sir."
"Was there a reason for that?"
"He's good boy, sir. Honest and reliable. He was truly the best choice for the job.
"May I ask how you knew he was my grandson?"
"We had a chance to talk."
"Oh no."
With a chuckle, Sol said, "Don't worry, Francis is on his way back now. I suspect he'll be just fine when he arrives, so long as he doesn't kill himself in his new car."
"New car sir?"
"Transfer the Aston Martin to him, but continue to pay for all of its upkeep. Gas, too."
"Yes sir."
"Arrange it so that it reverts to me when he dies."
"Yes sir."
"I agree with your assessment of the boy. I want you to take good care of him. He'll be my special courier from now on in," Sol said, as Jamie walked back into the room.
"Yes sir. I assume he is under oath not to talk to anyone about your meeting."
"Yes," Sol started, as Jamie sat in his lap, "and that includes you." Sol put his left hand on Jamie's lap
"I assumed as much. I also assume that I should have him killed if he says anything, including to me."
"He's nineteen. I'll allow him some leeway. If he brings up the topic with you, tell him to never do so again. If you find he's spoken to anyone else, I must be informed."
"As you wish sir."
"Thank you, I'll call if I need anything else," Sol said, hanging up the phone.
"You're getting soft," Jamie said, fixing Sol's hair a little.
"Push me and I'll show you how hard I can be."
"Don't tease me unless you mean it," Jamie responded.
"I do," Sol said, putting his hands behind his head and leaning back. Jamie smiled, kissed him, and slid between Sol's legs and unzipped his pants.
Jamie said, "Oh, I can see just how hard you are." Sol laughed and smiled at his lover.
Stopping for a moment, Jamie said with a grin, "Francis was nice, but I still haven't met anyone as, um, grown up as you."
Sol closed his eyes and ran his hands through Jamie's hair.
"Ah," Sol sighed, "that's so very nice."
The next night Sol woke up holding Jamie naked in his arms. He closed his eyes and thought about how much had happened in so short a period of time. And now he was back here, in the home he and Jamie shared so many years ago.
Jamie had made changes, such as the torture room, but it was, for the most part, just as Sol remembered it. Those were better days. Carefree days, but it didn't seem like it at the time. Despite their mutual affection, Sol and Jamie fought often and usually about the same thing.
"Don't dwell on the past," Sol said out loud.
"I don't darling," Jamie said, shifting forward and upward to look Sol in the face, "you do."
"I know," Sol responded, "I was talking to myself." Jamie laid down on Sol's chest again.
After a long pause, Jamie asked, "You kept your promise to me didn't you?"
Jamie sat up, with legs dangling over the side of the tall four-poster bed. While examining the texture of the deep blue fabric that hung from the wall, Jamie said, "I'm not as strong as you."
Sol sat up and pressed himself against Jamie, saying, "I never expected it of you. It isn't in your nature."
"But I feel that I've let you down."
"Perhaps you've let yourself down, but I'm not the least bit upset."
"I tried. I really did," Jamie said. "How did you last so long without being with another?"
"I had other things on my mind. If you recall, we last parted just days before I left for the New World."
"And now you're back and I'm thinking about sex when I should be thinking about how to help you out of the mess you've gotten into. I'm sorry, we'll have time for these discussions if we survive your little blood hunt."
"Don't apologize. You gave me what I needed when I needed it. Last night was a blissful escape from the din that has surrounded me these past days."
"Blissful," Jamie said. "I like the sound of that. Was it really that good?"
"Better, but then I haven't had sex in over a hundred years," Sol said with a kiss to Jamie's pale cheek.
"Oh you," Jamie said, slapping Sol's naturally tan arm. "But, really, we should do something about this situation you're in before they figure out where our little love nest is. Let me see that list."
Sol got up and walked, naked, into the living room, where he had hastily removed his jacket the previous night. He fumbled with it for a moment before he found the inside pocket where the sealed note and list were hiding.
Sol sat on the couch for a moment and looked at the list. It was short and he had never even heard of half the vampires on it. The few names he recognized were sleeping or presumed dead. He shook his head and stood up.
Walking back in to the bedroom, he handed Jamie the list, saying, "There aren't many names I recognize."
Jamie took a look and said, "And I bet many of those are in a deep sleep."
"Yes," Sol said, sitting down next to his friend and sighing.
"Do you know what the note says?"
"No, John Paul didn't tell me and he sealed it before giving it to me."
"Well, the note probably wouldn't have helped us find any of these vampires anyway." Jamie responded.
"I don't know where to start, and having a blood hunt over my head doesn't help any."
Stroking Sol's thigh, Jamie said, "We'll figure it out. I'll do the legwork. Although I'm sure most know of our past, few are stupid or strong enough to confront me."
"You know I appreciate this," Sol said.
"Really?" Jamie asked with mock surprise, "Show me." Jamie mounted Sol, pushing his upper half onto the bed. Sol smiled as Jamie fell on top of him and nuzzled into his neck.
After their little tryst, Sol and Jamie lay together for a while before Jamie asked, "Are you going to ask Sabastian for help?"
"I don't know," Sol said. "He is very protective of the little girl, Susan. I think he would view my current situation as a risk to her safety. That's something he wouldn't tolerate. I’m not sure that I would feel comfortable with the risk either, to tell you the truth."
"So what are you going to do?"
"I think I'll write Sabastian a note and I'll have my man send Francis to deliver it in person."
"You could just call, you know. We have these things called phones today. I've seen you use one."
"Stop being a wise ass. Sabastian doesn't really do modern technology, if you can still consider a telephone a modern technology," Sol answered.
"How does he live if he hasn't adapted?"
"Very well it appears. He's an odd one. Money and the trapping of wealth don't mean much to him. He really just wants to be left alone."
"I would very much like to meet this anomaly some day," Jamie said. "So you're going to bring that delicious little boy back for a visit?"
"Yes, and you won't touch him."
"You are no fun," Jamie said rolling over in bed, to face away from Sol.
"Regardless, you will do as I say."
"Or what?"
Sol didn't answer, and instead got up and walked back into the living room to find his cell phone. He sat on the couch again as he made the call.
"Yes sir."
"I need you to send Francis back to the summer house," Sol said.
"Is... everything OK sir?"
"Yes," Sol answered with a chuckle. "I simply need him to deliver a note to New York for me."
"The United States sir?"
"Yes." Jamie walked in, draped in a white terrycloth robe and looked out the window.
"He hasn't arrived back at the office yet, but I'll contact him and have him turn around immediately."
"Thank you," Sol said, hanging up the phone.
"What are you going to say in the letter?" Jamie asked.
"I'm not sure," Sol answered, leaning back into the soft leather couch.
"Shall I get you some paper and a pen?"
"That would be very helpful," he answered, letting the couch envelope his skin with it's soft feel and leathery smell. He thought about what the note should say, but nothing seemed appropriate.
After a minute or two, Jamie walked in and handed Sol paper and pen. Then letting the robe drop to Sol's feet, Jamie laid across his legs. "You can use me as your desk."
Sol chuckled, but didn't protest and started to write.
"You know," Jamie said after a few strokes of Sol's pen, "it's awfully hard for me to keep still with you poking at me like that."
Sol looked at Jamie, who had turned to see Sol's reaction, and smiled. He quickly went back to the letter, saying, "You can deal with the poking for a little bit. I need to get this note done before I lose my nerve."
"I've never known you to lose anything that quickly," Jamie joked.
Sitting up, Jamie asked, "Well, what did you say?"
"Not much," Sol answered.
"Don't give me that, you practically wrote a novella."
"I simply explained what happened and what I’m doing."
"You mean you told him that we've been fucking like rabbits?"
Sol laughed, "No, I left that part out."
"Well, speaking of sex, and seeing that your appear to be, um, ready for action, perhaps we can pass the time until your little boy comes back with a little mutual gratification," Jamie said.
"It will probably take Francis at least a day to drive back," Sol said, with a smile.
"Oh, is that all the time we have?" Jamie asked mockingly before letting out a moan.
After spending a long time on the couch, the pair moved back into the bedroom, had sex the rest of the night, and slept.
The next night, Sol awoke early and looked out the front window. The Aston Martin was out front with the door open and hood up. Francis was playing around inside the engine block.
Sol walked out and said, "You'll need that soon, so don't hurt anything."
Francis startled, jerked his head up and hit it on the underside of the hood.
"Are you OK?" Sol asked, watching as the boy extracted his head and rubbed it.
"Yes sir, you startled me, that's all," answered Francis as he walked around the car. As he turned to face Sol, his eyes shot up, down, and then away, as he stopped cold in his tracks.
Sol realized instantly what was wrong and said, "I'm sorry. It's so secluded here that I often forget to wear clothing. Come, I'll go put something on while you wait in the living room."
"Sir, is..." the boy started.
"Jamie will not touch you ever again. I promise you that you will be completely safe," Sol comforted.
While Francis waited, Sol went into the bedroom and opened his old dresser to find clothing. Jamie watched from the bed.
"Where are my things?" Sol asked, turning to the bed.
"I kind of burned them in a fit of anger."
"You didn't!"
"Yes. Yes I did. I'm sorry. You know we didn't part on the best of terms."
"So you burned my clothing?" Sol asked, exasperated.
"You can wear some of mine," Jamie suggested.
"Even if I wanted to dress in your clothing, which I do not, you are at least six inches shorter than me. Nothing would fit."
"I'll buy you a new wardrobe."
"No, you'll pay for my new wardrobe. I don't trust you would buy anything I would like. Everything would be pastel colors and have flowers all over it," Sol said, grabbing a robe from the ground and heading out the door.
"You like that stuff on me," Jamie shouted after him, before snuggling into the sheets with a smile.
Walking into the living room, Sol found Francis sitting on the couch.
"I need the letter on the table in front of you delivered to New York. You will fly there and deliver it in person." Sol told Francis the address and who it was for.
"Sabastian is tall, thin and pale. He is almost always in an old style suit. You will only be able to find him at night.
"If you arrive during the day, there may be a young girl named Susan and an old Eastern European woman named Claudia at the house. You can trust them, but insist that you deliver the letter yourself. At night a woman named Mary may be at the address, do not trust her and do not give her the letter under any circumstance."
"Yes sir," Francis said.
"When you leave here, contact the firm and have them arrange transportation and accommodations.
"If there are any problems, call the firm. They will be able to provide any additional assistance that you may need."
"Yes sir."
"Go, it is important that this be delivered as soon as possible."
"Yes sir," Francis said, practically running to the door.
Sol shook his head and said to himself, "Of course I meant that figuratively."
After the door closed, Jamie popped in and asked, "Has the boy left?"
"Well then, we could celebrate your homecoming again."
"No. We can go buy me a new wardrobe. I can't wear the same clothing I've been wearing for almost a week any more."
"I'm OK with you going naked. It doesn't bother me a bit," Jamie responded.
"I'm sure. Get dressed so we can go shopping. And hurry so we can find someplace still open."
"What about you?" Jamie asked.
"I'll simply wear my dirty clothing again."
The two traveled about an hour to the nearest shopping mall. Sol and Jamie bickered over Sol's "boring" choices, but he stood firm in the face of opposition and bought what he wanted. After the shopping excursion, Jamie brought Sol to a local club.
"Jamie, glad to see you," the bouncer said, as they walked up to the entrance past a long line of people waiting to get in. "Right this way." The burly, bald man dressed in hot pink from shoes to shirt unhooked a robe that blocked the doorway.
Sol shook his head as the door was opened from the inside by yet another bouncer. He bowed, looked across the room and gestured to another bouncer. "John will escort you to your private room," he said as the bouncer named John walked over.
Sol and Jamie followed John, who was dressed in all red, to a small doorway that led into a caged stairwell. The trio ascended the staircase and then walked down a hall past scores of doors. The man in red opened the very last door and said, "Your room."
"Thank you," Jamie said, walking in and sitting down on a large red couch. The rest of the room was black, with draping covering the walls. Sol followed, but sat on the edge of the arm.
"Would you like anything?" John the bouncer asked.
"Your most expensive bottle of Champaign."
"Right away," he said closing the door.
"And what are you going to do with a bottle of Champaign?" Sol asked.
"Use it to lure some young nubile thing up to my private room, why?"
"Not while I'm with you."
"I figured as much, but it was worth a try." Jamie stood up and walked over to the wall opposite the couch, taking one end of the drapes and pulling them across to the other side. This revealed a window, in front of which people were dancing. "This is the best room in the house." Tapping the glass, Jamie continued, "It's the only room with a dance platform directly in front of it. Not to mention that this is a one-way mirror."
"Very nice," Sol said. "I assume spending lavishly on drinks you don't need helps you to maintain ownership of the room?"
"Yes," Jamie said, looking at a couple that happened to be undulating up against the mirror.
Sol noted the couple and asked, "Are they doing what I think they are doing?"
"I believe they are," Jamie answered, pointing to the fact that the woman's skirt was lifted up over her buttocks.
"Leave it to you to find the most hedonistic place in town," Sol said with a chuckle.
"Oh honey, this is nothing," Jamie shot back with a grin.
The male of the couple at the window started to move more aggressively and then slumped to his knees, causing Jamie to say, "That was quick, how disappointing for her."
Sol didn’t respond, but shook his head. Then after pondering for a short time, said, "The actual functions of intercourse don't take that long, pleasure is a different issue. Not to change the topic, but I would like to discuss the list of names."
"Yes, John Paul's list of vampires who he believed would help you get out from under this bloodhunt," Jamie said, walking back to the couch and sitting.
"That wasn't the intent of the list," Sol responded, moving from leaning on the arm of the couch to sitting next to Jamie on it. "This is a list of people who can help me better understand the role John Paul believes I am to play in the demise of our kind."
"Why would you want to speed our demise?" Jamie asked.
"That's why I'm supposed to find these vampires. They're supposed to help me find out."
"And you want me to help you figure out why you want to destroy me?"
"No. I know why I would destroy you. You're a pain in the...," Sol stopped and smiled at his friend.
"Not funny. Give me the damn list," Jamie said, snatching it from Sol's hands as soon as he produced it. "I only know half the names and of those, I don't know of any that are up and about. In fact, I think a couple might be dead."
"So who do you know that might know more?" Sol asked, though he knew the answer.
"You know the answer to that," Jamie said a little perturbed.
"Can we see him?"
"I haven't spoken to my sire since I left him for you."
"What better time to kiss and make up," Sol chided.
"Yes, well, I don't think he's going to be very happy to see me. We didn't exactly part on good terms. In fact, I believe his last words were something like 'I'll kill you if you ever come back here you ungrateful whore.' Not exactly an open door policy," Jamie said.
"I happen to know for a fact that he hasn't found a replacement for you. My guess is he still loves you," said Sol.
"Perhaps, but it's my love for you that's going to get me to go see him again."
"And you know I appreciate that," Sol said, putting his hand around Jamie's head and pulling it to his own. The two kissed deeply.
Pulling back, Jamie said, "Yeah, well, just don't destroy me O.K."
"I'll try to restrain myself, but you really can be annoying sometimes."
"Screw you," Jamie said, before getting distracted by the window. "Is that the same couple going at it again?"
"It looks like it," Sol said.
"Well, I hope for her sake that he has more staying power the second time around."
As the man at the window fell to his knees again, Jamie asked, "Do you think he's rushing or just has premature ejaculation issues?"
"I don't know and I really don't care. But he has completed his task, so can we go now?" Sol asked.
"I'd like to know if he tries for a third round, but I guess it's more important for you to figure out why you're going to destroy our kind, so we can go," Jamie retorted sarcastically.
"Thank you," responded Sol.
"You know I'm not looking forward to this," Jamie said, standing and walking to the door.
"I am aware, but I don't know who else to ask. If you have any other ideas, I'll gladly try them first," responded Sol.
"How about we go home, have dirty sex and wait for divine intervention?"
"As appealing as it sounds to avoid the issue, you know as well as I that the bloodhunt will find us eventually. This pursuit is, perhaps, the only thing that can stop the hunt," Sol said, opening the door for Jamie.
They walked down the hall to the stairs and, at the bottom, Jamie grabbed Sol's arm and said, "One minute."
"You're not!" Sol said, watching Jamie weave through the undulating crowd. He sat waiting for about five minutes when Jamie emerged from the throng with the couple.
"Sol, meet Bill and Mary," Jamie said.
"Hello," Sol said to the couple from the window, then, "We don't have time for this," to Jamie.
"Consider it a peace offering, honey."
"Do they even know what's going on?"
"Then turn them lose and let's go," Sol said.
"You are so not fun sometimes."
"Yes, well, when there's a bloodhunt out for me, I tend to find fewer reasons to play," Sol shot back. "Can we go?"
"Yes," Jamie said, leaning in and kissing Mary and then Bill. Jamie and Sol then left, leaving the pair standing confused.
As they walked out of the club, Sol stopped and looked around. "We are not alone," he said.
"I sense them too," Jamie said. "And if I can sense them, they are either young, stupid, or there are a lot of them. I hope it's one of the first two options."
"I'm afraid it’s the third," said Sol. "Run for the car." He and Jamie ran as fast as they could, jumped in the car and sped off.
Shortly after getting on a main road, Sol said, "They are following us." He looked at his watch, "And we only have four hours before dawn."
Wow I can certainly say that your story has captured my imagination and has got me sitting on the edge of my seat! For you will defiantly get this published it you try and I hope you do!
Awaiting your next update,
I think that this story is wonderful. You have real talent as a story teller. I cannot wait to read the rest of it.
it's like being glued to my seat for the whole day reading your blog. can't wait any longer for the update
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